Module Webidl.Ast_to_data

module Syntax = Webidl_syntax
val of_attribute : [> `Inherit | `ReadOnly | `Static ] list -> (Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string) -> [> `Attribute of Data.attribute ]
val of_operation : Data.special list -> bool -> [< `NoSpecialOperation of Webidl_syntax.Ast.return_type * (string option * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.argument) list) | `SpecialOperation of Data.special list * Webidl_syntax.Ast.return_type * (string option * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.argument) list) ] -> [> `Operation of Data.operation ]
val of_readonly : [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string | `Maplike of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext | `Setlike of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext ] -> [> `Attribute of Data.attribute | `Maplike of Data.maplike | `Setlike of Data.setlike ]
val of_static : [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string | `NoSpecialOperation of Webidl_syntax.Ast.return_type * (string option * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.argument) list) | `ReadOnly of [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string ] ] -> [> `Attribute of Data.attribute | `Operation of Data.operation ]
val of_stringifier : [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string | `NoSpecialOperation of Webidl_syntax.Ast.return_type * (string option * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.argument) list) | `None | `ReadOnly of [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string ] ] -> [> `Attribute of Data.attribute | `None | `Operation of Data.operation ]
val of_interface_member : Webidl_syntax.Ast.interface_member -> Data.interface_member
val of_mixin_member : Webidl_syntax.Ast.mixin_member -> Data.mixin_member
val map_snd : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c * 'a) list -> ('c * 'b) list
val of_mixin : (string * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.mixin_member) list) -> [> `Mixin of Data.mixin ]
val of_interface : (string * string option * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.interface_member) list) -> [> `Interface of Data.interface ]
val of_namespace_member : [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string | `NoSpecialOperation of Webidl_syntax.Ast.return_type * (string option * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.argument) list) | `ReadOnly of [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string ] ] -> [> `Attribute of Data.attribute | `Operation of Data.operation ]
val of_namespace : (string * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string | `NoSpecialOperation of Webidl_syntax.Ast.return_type * (string option * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.argument) list) | `ReadOnly of [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string ] ]) list) -> [> `Namespace of Data.namespace ]
val of_dictionary_member : [< `NotRequired of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_ * string * Webidl_syntax.Ast.default_value option | `Required of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string * Webidl_syntax.Ast.default_value option ] -> Data.dictionary_member
val of_dictionary : (string * string option * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * [< `NotRequired of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_ * string * Webidl_syntax.Ast.default_value option | `Required of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string * Webidl_syntax.Ast.default_value option ]) list) -> [> `Dictionary of Data.dictionary ]
val of_partial : [< `Mixin of string * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.mixin_member) list | `Namespace of string * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string | `NoSpecialOperation of Webidl_syntax.Ast.return_type * (string option * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.argument) list) | `ReadOnly of [< `AttributeRest of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string ] ]) list | `PartialDictionary of string * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * [< `NotRequired of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_ * string * Webidl_syntax.Ast.default_value option | `Required of Webidl_syntax.Ast.type_with_ext * string * Webidl_syntax.Ast.default_value option ]) list | `PartialInterface of string * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.interface_member) list ] -> [> `Dictionary of Data.dictionary | `Interface of Data.interface | `Mixin of Data.mixin | `Namespace of Data.namespace ]
val of_callback : [< `CallbackRest of string * Webidl_syntax.Ast.return_type * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.argument) list | `Interface of string * string option * (Webidl_syntax.Ast.extends * Webidl_syntax.Ast.interface_member) list ] -> [> `Interface of Data.interface | `Operation of Data.operation ]
val of_definition : Webidl_syntax.Ast.definition -> Data.definition
val of_difinitions : ('a * Webidl_syntax.Ast.definition) list -> ('a * Data.definition) list